
THEBRINERYNH creates raw, naturally-fermented foods and beverages made by hand in small batches featuring sustainably-grown, fresh ingredients procured from local farmers in New Hampshire. Each jar contains seasonal bounty taken from the abundant harvests of the New Hampshire and New England farms which have an extensive agricultural history, culture and modern day community. The products and statements about specific products on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read more here...

Fermentation Facts

What is fermentation?
Lactic acid fermentation is an ancient and simple type of food preservation using wild, naturally occurring lactic bacteria. It has been practiced by almost every culture throughout time with the only difference being the type of vegetables used and the length of fermentation time.

Just as sourdough bread, yogurt, and cheese are naturally fermented, so can be pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchi! As briners, we create the proper environment for lactic acid to naturally preserve the vegetables. Lactic acid inhibits decay by creating an increased acidic environment where decay cannot occur and thereby stabilizing the storage environment, hence it is widely used in food preservation.

It is no coincidence that Lactobacillus are extremely beneficial to our digestive system. While helping to preserve food, lactic acid simultaneously helps to break down food making it easier on the digestive system. Humans and beneficial bacteria coexist together!
Here is a Video of Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride talk in London at a Conference of Physicians. Natasha is the Author of the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diets. This Video Explains WHY TheBrineryNH Produces Fermented Vegetables ...

Do I have to refrigerate my kimchi or sauerkraut?
Yes, you have to keep it in the refrigerator, just like you would with yogurt. It is a raw product and the refrigeration serves to slow down the fermentation process.

Is this made with vinegar?
No, that is what makes our products unique! There is no vinegar in our products. That complex tangy flavor is from the all-natural lacto-fermentation process.

How long will it keep for?
Indefinitely, as long as it is in the refrigerator and the vegetables are fully under the brine. Remember, this is a natural form of food preservation. TheBrineryNH product cannot spoil if kept under the brine.

Does it ever go bad?

Properly fermented vegetables cannot go bad as long as they are under the brine. It will only spoil if the vegetables are above the brine and get in contact with the air. Exposure to air can spoil, however whatever is under the brine is fine, just dispose of the spoiled vegetables. Below the brine it will keep just fine!  Sandor Katz is a well known speaker, fermentation teacher and author of The Art of Fermentation.  In this short video he speaks to the issue of the safety of lacto-fermentation with brine. 

Why does it bubble when I open my jar?

TheBrineryNH products are all raw and have not been canned or pasteurized, therefore what you are seeing when you open your jar is the natural process of fermentation!

What do you add to start the fermentation process?

Just a little sea salt! Lacto-fermentation is a naturally wild process that thrives in a salt water environment. All we do is create the right environment for this process to occur. Lactic bacteria is naturally occurring on the surface of all vegetables and is triggered into action by the salt brine.

Where can I find your products?
The first place to look is the Laconia Farmer’s market at the booth operated by MicroGreensNH. That is our home base and we are there all year! MicroGreensNH is one of our farmers and assists in the marketing and distribution of our fermented non-GMO vegetables. We are also committed to selling our products at locally owned fine food stores and restaurants in the Lakes Region area. Please visit us on the web for a growing list of locations.

Do you take your glassware back?
We encourage you to re-use this vessel for your own storage needs. However we do put a high value on glass and will take your clean and label free jar back and use it again.

zy·mol·o·gy (
[zahy-mol-uh-jee] –noun Biochemistry.
(formerly) the science dealing with fermentation and the action of enzymes; enzymology.

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